When you need to make an update to your site, do you do it right on the live site? Are you scared to upgrade your Drupal site for fear that it will break? Maybe you're heard about local development, but you just don't know where to start. This session will be an introduction to various options you have for developing a Drupal site on your own computer.
Bring your laptop! We will spend the bulk of this session getting your own environment up and running. Check out the slides below, and feel free to get a head start. Come with questions!
Acquia calls itself the "Enterprise Guide to Drupal" but yeah, we know---a lot of Drupal developers don't think we offer anything of value to them. In fact, the Acquia Network provides tremendous value to Drupal developers and site builders, we just aren't always that great at explaining it. In this session, I'll describe and demo Acquia's developer-focused products:
DevShop can now run Behat Tests on your sites automatically, and gives visual feedback of the results in the interface.
In this session we'll show you how you can spin up your own continous testing server in as little time as it takes to present this session, and how behat allows you to integrate more people into your testing (and test writing) process.
OK. Let me ask you a question...
Q: What good is GIT version control and a 3-STAGE development process if it's a pain to set up and manage?
A: Zero, Zilch NODDA! Because your team can't use it and if they try it only gets in the way of actually building the project at hand. :-(