SLIDES: http://jonpugh.github.io/devshop-jerseycamp-2015
DevShop can now run Behat Tests on your sites automatically, and gives visual feedback of the results in the interface.
In this session we'll show you how you can spin up your own continous testing server in as little time as it takes to present this session, and how behat allows you to integrate more people into your testing (and test writing) process.
About DevShop
DevShop is open source cloud hosting for Drupal.
DevShop is functionally equivalent to Drupal cloud hosting services like Acquia Cloud and Pantheon, but you can run it on your own servers, and you can extend it as easily as Drupal itself. You can use DevShop to host extra environments for sites hosted on Acquia Cloud and Pantheon.
With a backend powered by Drush, and a slick front-end built in Drupal, DevShop is familiar to anyone who knows Drupal.
We've recently redesigned all of DevShop, making it easier to use than ever.
With "Deploy Hooks" you can run tasks after updating code. Built in deploy hooks include clearing caches, running updates and reverting features, but you can add your own to each site using drush functions. Deploy hooks can trigger test runs. DevShop now has support for running Acquia Cloud Hooks.
During the duration of this talk we will install DevShop from scratch on a fresh Ubuntu server, then build, test and deploy a drupal site with ease.