Aaron Bauman Aaron | Message Agency | messageagency.com | aaronbauman |
Abbey Thompson | Princeton University | | |
Alex Bronstein | Acquia | | effulgentsia |
Alex Dergachev | Evolving Web | evolvingweb.ca | evolvingweb |
Alex Lofland | | | |
Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg | Zivtech / LivIT Health | zivtech.com | Alex UA |
Allan Eldridge | Advantage Business Media | advantagemedia.com | allaneldridge |
Amanda Konopko | Blink Reaction | blinkreaction.com | amandakonopko |
Amy Hepler | Princeton University | princeton.edu/wds | ahepler |
Amy Leffingwell | Promet Source | prometsource.com | |
Andre Hood | Phase2 | www.phase2technology.com | |
Andrew DeFeo | | | smudge913 |
Andrew Keller | | | drewcifer |
Andy Gradel | Main Line Health | www.mainlinehealth.org | andygradel |
Angela Smith | Message Agency | messageagency.com | |
Ann Ambrose | Princeton University Press | | |
Anna Witek | Princeton University | princeton.edu | anusia |
Annabelle Soper | Robert Half Technology | www.roberthalf.com/technology | |
Anoop Ajaykumar | Tata Consultancy Services | tcs.com | |
Anson Han | Eastern Standard | easternstandard.com | |
Anson Han | Eastern Standard | easternstandard.com | ansonwhan |
Antonio Barrera | CHOP | www.chop.edu | antonioG4 |
Artem Kolotilkin | TribecaDigital | tribecadigital.com | artem.kolotilkin |
Artem Shymko | TribecaDigital | tribecadigital.com | cr0ss |
Audra Berner | | | |
Axa Liauw | | | |
Ben Bakelaar | Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information | comminfo.rutgers.edu | |
Boutros AbiChedid | Web Developer & Web designer - Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Lewis-Sigler | boutrosabichedid.com | boutrosa |
Brett Jones | Peerless design inc | pdiwebdesign.com | Brett Jones |
Brett Tomlinson | Princeton Alumni Weekly | paw.princeton.edu | |
Brian Osborne | Princeton University Computer Science | www.cs.princeton.edu | bkosborne |
Bryan Boova | | | |
Bryan Ollendyke | Penn State | drupal.psu.edu | Bryan Ollendyke |
Burcu Tezcan-Ruggeri | Princeton University | giving.princeton.edu | |
byron veale | Princeton University | | byronveale |
Carla Zimowsk | Princeton University | www.princeton.edu | |
Carlton Hurdle Jr | NAA | neanthro.org | shymatsi |
Cathy Theys | BlackMesh | blackmesh.com | YesCT |
Charles Novick | | | wildfeed |
Chris Urban | Acquia | www.acquia.com | urbanlegend |
Christopher Cane | PPPL | www.pppl.gov | ccane |
Christopher Weir | Weir Design Studio | www.weirdesignstudio.com | rocketboynj |
Dan Herrero | Lehigh University | | |
Dan Preston | Telequest, Inc. | telequestinc.com | danpreston |
Dana Hutchins | Inforest Communications | www.inforest.com | spacetaxi |
Daniel Schiavone | Snake Hill | www.snakehill.net | schiavone |
Daniel Wehner | tag1 | tag1consulting.com | dawehner |
Danny Groh | Phase2 Technology | phase2technology.com | |
Darrell Gray | ISS Solutions | www.ISSsolutions.com | darrellgray |
Darren Lee | DoSomething.org | dosomething.org | DeeZone |
Dave Sawyer | Blink Reaction | www.blinkreaction.com | cmsdave |
David Dagino | NorthPoint Digital | northpointdigital.com | |
David Hernandez | Rutgers University | | davidhernandez |
David Murray | Phase2 Technology | www.phase2technology.com | |
Debra Loggia | NorthPoint Digital | northpointdigital.com | |
Devon Walder | Zivtech | zivtech.com | |
Diana LeRoi-Schmidt | | | criana |
Doug Vann | Synaptic Blue | dougvann.com | dougvann |
Earl Fong | | | tz_earl |
Ed Arnold-Berkovits | Columbia University | www.mailman.columbia.edu | trebuchet |
Edna Wigderson | IAS | www.ias.edu | ednawig |
Elizabeth Lipinski | Snake Hill | www.snakehill.net | lizardata |
Eric Sod | Northpoint Digital | ericsod.com | esod |
Eva Groves | Princeton University | www.princeton.edu/morel | |
Frank Schvamberg | | | |
frank stepanski | | | |
G. Chalker | Department of Geosciences, Princeton University | www.princeton.edu/geosciences | designerchix |
Gina Montoya | Blink Reaction | blinkreaction.com | ginmonty |
Giovanni Glass | | giovanniglass.com | momendo |
Greg Wilson | Forum One Communications | www.forumone.com | wilsongreg |
Hariharan Maheshwaran | Johnson & Johnson | | |
Haya Gray | | | |
Henry Hansch III | Advantage Business Media | www.advantagemedia.com | |
Henry Umansky | | | humansky |
Ian Moran | Community Technology | community-technology.com | ian-moran |
Ilene Hass | | ilenehass.com | |
Jackson Zhang | LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. | www.litespeedtech.com | |
James Yanek | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | www.chop.edu | |
James Pry Pry | The Pennsylvania State University | aait.psu.edu | |
Jared DiMartine | Princeton University | facilities.princeton.edu | |
Jeff Markel | Johnson & Johnson | | jmarkel |
Jeff Mathers | Johnson & Johnson | www.jnj.com | Beren |
Jen Reynolds | | | |
Jeremy Barth | Private consultant | | MrJambi |
Jes (xjm) | Acquia | | xjm |
Jesse Kurtz | Atlantic Cape Community College | | |
Jessica Bladon | Crowd Communications Group, LLC | www.crowdcg.com | jlbladon |
Jill Moraca | Princeton University / Web Development Service | www.princeton.edu/wds | jmoraca |
Jillian Wolf | Institute for Advanced Study | www.ias.edu | |
Jim Keller | Eastern Standard | easternstandard.com | |
Jim Keller | Eastern Standard | easternstandard.com | jimkeller |
Jim McCloskey | Drupal Geeks | www.drupalgeeks.com | |
Jimmy Wang | Woodrow Wilson School | wws.princeton.edu | |
Jody Hamilton | Zivtech | zivtech.com | Jody Lynn |
Joe Barrett | Advantage Business Media | www.advantagemedia.com | |
Joe D'Agostino | The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey | | joedag32 |
Joe Dooley | Linode, LLC | ww.linode.com | |
John Bowen | Yardley Web Design LLC | www.yardleywebdesign.com | jgbinpa |
John Grubb | Advantage Business Media | advantagemedia.com | jgrubb |
John Jameson | Princeton University | www.princeton.edu/communications | itmaybejj |
John Redlich | Sego Solutions | segosolutions.com | johntr |
John Zeglarski | Johnson & Johnson | | |
Jojy Job | TCS | www.tcs.com | |
Josh Benner | Blink Reaction | blinkreaction.com | Josh Benner |
Jozsef Hollosi | | | |
Julia Cheung | Woodrow Wilson School | wws.princeton.edu | |
Justin Powell | NRT LLC | www.nrtllc.com | jpowell |
Kalpana Goel | Forum One | | kgoel |
Keith Moulton | Woodrow Wilson School | wws.princeton.edu | moultonk |
Keith Thomas | Princeton University | www.princeton.edu/writing | wxkeith |
Kevin Reiss | Princeton University Library | library.princeton.edu | kevin.reiss |
Kris Vanderwater | Acquia | www.acquia.com | EclipseGc |
Krishna Savithraj | | | krishna-savithraj |
Krista Trovato | Blink Reaction | blinkreaction.com | kristat |
Kwame Busumtwi | Columbia University | www.mailman.columbia.edu | |
Lady Linares | Johnson & Johnson | | |
Laura Turner | | | |
Leigh Koven | Astrophysical Sciences @ Princeton University | www.princeton.edu/astro | compulov |
Leon Rainbow | Inforest Communications | www.inforest.com | leonrainbow |
Leonard Porcano | Novisi | novisi.com | Len Porcano |
Levi Sigworth | | | wheatpenny |
Louise Saletta | Princeton University Press | | |
Lynnette Colalillo | Johnson & Johnson | www.jnj.com | lolascorpio |
Mahesh Nattanmai | Drupal Geeks | drupalgeeks.com | njmahesh |
Malik Hosier | New York Merge Communications | newyorkmerge.com | mhosier |
Mani Soundararajan | NBCUniversal | | msound |
Marcus Iannozzi | Message Agency | messageagency.com | iannozzi |
Marie Theodoropoulou | NYCDOE | | techmsth |
Maritza Cruz | Princeton University/Molecular Biology | molbio.princeton.edu | |
Mark Benfante | Advantage Business Media | www.advantagemedia.com | |
Marvin Schuldiner | Sanns, LLC | www.sannsllc.com | marvs5 |
Matt Korostoff | Blink Reaction | blinkreaction.com | mkorostoff |
Matt Lucasiewicz | Acquia | www.acquia.com | Lahoosascoots |
Matt Schlessman | Blink Reaction | www.blinkreaction.com | mschlessman |
Matthew Cahn | Princeton University/Molecular Biology | molbio.princeton.edu | |
Matthew Donadio | Night Kitchen Interactive | www.whatscookin.com | mpdonadio |
Matthew Stein | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | mssm.edu | |
Max Siles | Princeton University | www.princeton.edu | |
Melinda Cozza Routh | ISMP | medsafetyofficer.org | jumpthattb |
Mendel Kurland | GoDaddy | godaddy.com | ifyouwillit |
Michael Andrec | Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center | UkrHEC.org | MAndrecPhD |
Michael Armstrong | LiteSpeed Technologies | www.litespeedtech.com | lsmichael |
Michael Marzovilla | Sego Solutions | segosolutions.com | mmarz9 |
Michael Muzzie | Princeton University Web Development Services | www.princeton.edu/wds | notmike |
Michael Piluso | Johnson & Johnson | | blazindrop |
Michael Reed | | | |
Michael Surbrook | Drupal Connect | | |
Michael Temme-Soifer | Princeton University | | |
Michael Wren | Drupal Geeks | www.drupalgeeks.com | mikewren |
Nailah Sta Ana | Robert Half Technology | www.roberthalf.com/technology | |
Nancy Stango | Blink Reaction | blinkreaction.com | nstango |
Nate Swart | Acquia | acquia.com | nateswart |
Nick Selvaggio | Sego Solutions | segosolutions.com | nickgs |
Nikhil Dubbaka | edX | www.edx.org | TechNikh |
Nina Zalah | Johnson & Johnson | | |
Nitesh Patel | | | |
Novella Chiechi | Kafei Interactive Inc. | kafei.ca | italiatina |
Paola Garcia | WRNN-TV / Verizon Fios1News | www.fios1news.com | paogarciac |
Peter Wolanin | Acquia | www.acquia.com | pwolanin |
Philip Denlinger | | | mindbet |
Pream Totaram | | | |
Preston So | Time Inc. | preston.so | prestonso |
Priscilla Pineda | Rutgers University | | |
Randall Goya | Randall Goya LLC | netsperience.org | decibel.places |
Randee Tengi | Princeton University | pni.princeton.edu | |
Rebecca Louie | Princeton University | | |
Ricardo Feliciano | Linode, LLC | ww.linode.com | |
Rich Burke | NBC Universal | | richburke |
Richard von Rauchhaupt | | | |
Rob Bayliss | Last Call Media | lastcallmedia.com | rbayliss |
Robert Bellamy | NorthPoint Digital | northpointdigital.com | |
Robert Kopacz | | kopacz.biz | RKopacz |
Robert Richardson | Mode Nomad | modenomad.com | |
Robert Anthony Bellamy | NorthPoint Digital | northpointdigital.com | rabellamy |
Ryan Price | Blink Reaction | ryanpricemedia.com | liberatr |
Ryan Weal | Kafei Interactive Inc. | kafei.ca | Ryan Weal |
Sam McDonald | Rutgers University Libraries | www.libraries.rutgers.edu | |
Sandra Granda | NorthPoint Digital | northpointdigital.com | |
Sasha Yershov | Acquia | www.acquia.com | |
Scott Massey | Pantheon | | sukottokun |
Sean Walsh | Crowd Communications Group, LLC | www.crowdcg.com | crowdcg |
Sharon Clapp | | | sclapp |
Shaun Ellis | Princeton University | library.princeton.edu | shaune |
Siarhei Semashka | Epam Systems inc | | sergey.semashko |
Simin Gul | Woodrow Wilson School | wws.princeton.edu | |
sonia thompson | PhillyCAM | phillycam.org | soniat |
Sophie Idromenos | New York Media | | techmsi |
Stephen Millett | Princeton Public Library | princetonlibrary.org | st3ph1n |
Stephen Shaw | Elegant Solutions Inc. | esihome.com | ElegantSolutions |
Steve Peter | Princeton University Press | press.princeton.edu | speter |
Subson Mittal | Sony DADC | www.rgenerator.com | subson |
Sumesh Mathew | | | sumachaa |
Sundar Kumarasamy | Creosen LLC | www.creosen.com | |
Susan Fou | Princeton University Office of Development | giving.princeton.edu | |
Suzanne Dergacheva | Evolving Web | evolvingweb.ca | pixelite |
Ted Bowman | Six Mile Tech | sixmiletech.com | tedbow |
Thanh Ta | Johnson & Johnson | www.jnj.com | |
Theresa Arzadon-Labajo | Institute for Advanced Study | www.math.ias.edu | tarzadon |
Ticiana Jardim Marini | | | |
Tim Hobert | R A D I A N T | radiant.nyc | timhobert |
Tim Moran | BlissDesign.com | BlissDesign.com | moranimation |
Tim Plunkett | Acquia | | tim.plunkett |
Tina Bliss | BlissDesign | BlissDesign.com | tinabliss |
Tonya Gibson | Princeton University | | |
Vibha Mullick | Stony Brook University | www.cs.stonybrook.edu | |
Vinod Gupta | Princeton University | physics.princeton.edu | |
Virginia Dearborn | Princeton Theological Seminary Library | | |
vivian allen | CESp Rugers | cesp.rutgers.edu | |
Wim Leers | Acquia | | Wim Leers |
Yuhwei Ling | Rutgers University Libraries | www.libraries.rutgers.edu | yuhwei |
Zane Sensenig | Penn State/College of Arts and Architecture | artsandarchitecture.psu.edu | |