Sponsorship Opportunities

The support of sponsoring organizations helps our camp be successful and we hope you will consider partnering with us. Each year we further establish NJ as a leading hub in the global Drupal community as well as increase local interest and involvement in the project.

As with previous years, sponsorships allow us to keep ticket prices low and accessible. Additionally, we are always looking for ways to provide greater value to our sponsors and have further enhanced the various opportunities available. If you have any other ideas feel free to share them with us.

2015 Sponsorship Opportunities & Prospectus

All sponsors will be listed with their logo on the website, as well as recognized in the slides shown before and during the opening plenary sessions and at other points throughout the program. The DrupalCamp NJ finances are being handled by the Drupal Association (using its US-based 501(c)(3), Drupalcon, Inc.).

We look forward to speaking with you about these opportunities and would like to thank you in advance for your support for the 2015 camp.

Already Sponsoring DrupalCamp NJ 2015?

Show your support by adding your sponsor level badge to your company website.