Even though D8 is on the horizon, the demand for Drupal 7 developers will stretch into and past 2015.
This is your chance to gain a valuable skill that you can build on.
Together we're going to:
a] Discuss the workflow of Drupal and how we "hook" into that and make changes.
b] Create a small module to change the text on the "Promote to front" and "Sticky at top" check boxes on article nodes. Then we'll remove these 2 check boxes from all content types since most sights never use them.
c] Add a DELETE button to the top of every node for easier deletion. By default a user would have to click EDIT then DELETE.
d] Leave some time for Q-n-A about the various APIs of Drupal and how to determine which hooks to use for a given scenario.
For this class it is better if you have a LOCAL HOST running. A simple solution is to use the Acquia Dev Desktop available for Windows/Mac. This way you can run the website on your laptop.
Alternately, you can use a remote site if you have SFTP or SSH access to it. For a remote solution, I strongly recommend a free-for-life sandbox at http://GetPantheon.com If you use Pantheon you'll either need to use an SFTP client OR use GIT to move your files up to the server. We won't have time to explain GIT durring this session.
If you have questions about, this session, me, or Drupal in general: http://dougvann.com/contact